Exploring the California RVT Alternate Route Program

OC Veterinary Assistant School - Veterinary Assistant Helping Veterinary Technician Examine Dogs Ear

Are you passionate about animal care and interested in becoming a Registered Veterinary Technician (RVT) in California? If you don’t have the traditional educational background, the California RVT Alternate Route Program offers an alternative pathway. This program, overseen by the California Veterinary Medical Board (VMB), provides a unique opportunity for those with practical experience and veterinary assistant backgrounds to achieve licensure. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the key aspects of the program, its eligibility requirements, and the steps to becoming an RVT through this alternate route.

What is the California RVT Alternate Route Program?

The California RVT Alternate Route Program is designed for individuals who have gained practical experience in veterinary medicine but have not completed an American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)-accredited veterinary technology program. This route allows candidates to qualify for the RVT examination and ultimately achieve licensure as a Registered Veterinary Technician in California.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the alternate route, candidates must meet specific criteria set by the California Veterinary Medical Board. These requirements include:

  • Practical Experience: At least two years (a minimum of 4,416 hours) of practical experience in animal care and clinical practice under the direct supervision of a California-licensed veterinarian.
  • RVT Task List: Completion of a comprehensive task list that covers various aspects of veterinary practices, including surgical nursing, extractions, splints, and radiation safety.
  • Coursework: Completion of at least 20 semester units (300 hours or 30 quarter units) of specific coursework related to veterinary medicine from an accredited college or university.
  • Educational Requirements: A high school diploma or equivalent. While a bachelor’s degree or an associate degree is not mandatory, it can enhance your application.
  • Supervised Clinical Experience: Documentation of clinical experience under direct supervision.

Enrollment and Application

To enroll in the alternate route program, 

Preparing for the RVT Examination

Once your application is approved, you can sit for the RVT Examination, which consists of two parts: the California Veterinary Technician Examination (RVT exam) and the Veterinary Technician National Examination (VTNE). The VTNE is administered by the American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB) and is a comprehensive test that evaluates your knowledge and skills in veterinary technology.

Achieving Licensure

After passing the VTNE, you will be eligible for licensure as a Registered Veterinary Technician in California. Candidates must submit an application to the California Veterinary Medical Board along with an application fee. The application should include proof of completed coursework, and a detailed task list verified by a supervising veterinarian.

This credential is essential for working in various veterinary settings, including private practices, animal hospitals, and specialty clinics.

Benefits of the Alternate Route Program

  • Flexibility: The alternate route program is ideal for those who have gained substantial work experience but did not follow the traditional educational path.
  • Practical Experience: The emphasis on practical experience ensures that candidates are well-prepared for the responsibilities of an RVT.
  • Career Advancement: Achieving RVT licensure opens up numerous career opportunities in the veterinary field, including higher earning potential and specialized roles.


The California RVT Alternate Route Program provides a valuable opportunity for veterinary assistants and other animal care professionals to advance their careers and achieve licensure as a Registered Veterinary Technician. By meeting the eligibility requirements, gaining practical experience, and successfully passing the necessary examinations, you can embark on a fulfilling career in veterinary medicine. Whether you are in Orange County, Los Angeles, or elsewhere in California, this program paves the way for dedicated individuals to contribute significantly to animal health and veterinary practices.

For more information, visit the OC Veterinary Assistant School website and start your journey towards becoming a Registered Veterinary Technician today!

Classes Beginning Soon


Veterinary Attendant Program

For those just beginning their future in veterinary medicine and have no, or little experience in a clinical setting.

Level 1 Veterinary Assistant

Intended for those who have either finished the Veterinary Attendant Program or have clinical experience.

Level 2 Veterinary Technician

Intended for advanced students who have completed the Level I Class requirements and can pass the Level II Assessment Exam.